Choosing Customized Forklift Training Courses Skip to content
Choosing Customized Forklift Training Courses

Choosing Customized Forklift Training Courses

Liftow is your one-stop shop for all things material handling: state-of-the-art lift trucks, forklift attachments, parts, maintenance services and forklift rentals. If you need lifting equipment, our representatives are ready to help you find what you’re looking for.

But Liftow also offers a variety of training courses and course materials that can support your staff development efforts. We can also offer training tailored to your specific applications and workplace equipment. The best way to maintain lifting equipment and extend the life of a machine is simple: use your equipment properly from the start. And the best way to keep your employees safe is just as simple: train them well by giving them the resources and knowledge they need to protect themselves and their co-workers.

If you haven’t yet contacted us about our training courses, here’s a glimpse of what we can offer you. Our most popular forklift operator training courses include:

Existing Operator Training

Materials handling and warehouse management often hire seasoned forklift operators with years of experience behind the controls. But these years of experience won’t help your operators pass an official safety inspection if they never received proper training or haven’t been retrained in the past three years, as recommended by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). This course is targeted toward knowledgeable operators with materials handling experience, but who need retraining on basic forklift safety, operation, inspection and maintenance requirements.

New Operator Training

This three-day course targets new employees and recent hires who are taking control of lifting and materials handling equipment for the first time. This course begins with intense classroom instruction, followed by hands-on practical lessons with a formal evaluation. This training program includes both theoretical and practical components to make sure the new operators fully understand the basic principles of safe operation, pre-operational inspection, battery and propane exchange, maintenance and load handling.

Train-the-Trainer Forklift Operator

Your company’s in-house training staff or management team can take this course and learn how to better communicate the finer points of forklift operation to beginners and seasoned pros alike. This course can be offered on-site or at one of our Liftow Training Centres. Over 3 days, our instructors will cover the minimum requirements of a training program as outlined by the CSA. By the end of the session, your trainers will know how to teach the basics of forklift operation, dock safety, equipment maintenance and inspection, stability principles, and logistics.

Liftow also offers a full catalogue of additional courses including refresher training, propane cylinder replacement, hazardous materials handling, and courses focused on overhead crane and aerial platform operation.

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