Signs that Your Forklift is in Need of Expert Service and Repair Skip to content
Signs that Your Forklift is in Need of Expert Service and Repair

Signs that Your Forklift is in Need of Expert Service and Repair

Here are 10 warning signs that your forklift or lift truck may need service. Ignoring these key signs could result in further damage to your forklift equipment.

  1. Rough idling or hesitation during acceleration –may require a tune-up.
  2. Slow hydraulic or mechanical response when using lift, tilt and or attachment functions.
  3. Inconsistent breaking-brakes squealing or brakes locking.
  4. High emissions – visual detection; white, blue, or black smoke emanating from the exhaust system. A strong vaporous odor may also indicate high emissions.
  5. Mast assembly binding and or excessive play found in the upright or carriage assembly –lift chains, bearings, and mast shims worn beyond specs.
  6. Forklift ride is harsh or rough – tires may require replacement due to uneven wear or wear beyond specs.
  7. Apparent leaks within or beneath the forklift.
  8. Cracked or brittle hoses.
  9. Engine turns over slowly – may require a new battery, starter or alternator.
  10. Engine temperature exceeding normal operating heat range.

Service your forklift only with a trusted, qualified forklift service provider. Liftow Limited has been servicing lift trucks for over 50 years. Call one of our 16 full-service locations today for all your forklift service, parts, rentals, and training needs.

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Levi Armstrong - January 13, 2021

I find it helpful to know that if my forklift engine turns over slowly, it probably needs a new battery or starter. My dad plans to purchase a forklift for the commercial warehouse he’s having built downtown. I’ll share this article with him later, so he knows when to contact a forklift repair service in the future. Thanks.

Afton Jackson - October 30, 2019

I like how you mentioned that a high emission is a sign of a forklift to get fixed. My wife and I are planning to have someone fix our old forklift to sell it. We could use some help from forklift repair services near Missouri as well to help us out.

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